Working with the Crystal World
by Sammy Castonguay, M.Sc. Geological Science
Imbolc Greetings! In the last two
articles*, I drew attention
to the Earth and human-built environment as sources of crystal energy. Ignoring
these sources may have harmful health impacts, especially if you are already
working with crystals for healing**.
Let’s explore ways to work with these sources.
Sitting in silent meditation in a
natural area has tremendous health benefits. In the method called ‘earthing’ or
‘grounding’, one draws their attention to the energy sources emanating from
earth. Some can feel those sources intuitively, most of us need to focus on the
detection by realizing the source. Find a natural setting, place your bare feet,
hands or both on the bare ground and reflect on these sources until your
minds-eye can visualize them. 1) Earthquake waves are vibrational translations
of energy and can be detected by seismometers half-way across the Earth. Become
a seismometer and focus your imagination on the vibrational sounds of the
Earth. 2) The primordial heat of Earth’s formation is still trapped within and drives
plate tectonic motion. Focus your imagination on the vibrational energy of
those particles (heat), the stirring motions of the Earth’s mantle 3) During
the day, the Earth’s soils and rocks absorb the Suns energy waves but at night
it re-emits that energy. Visualize absorbing the re-emitted energy.
The objects of Anthropic Crystal World
are all familiar to us but working with them as energy source may seem foreign.
Allow yourself to connect your imagination to the Earths materials used to
create it. Find a place in view of buildings and cars, perhaps a city bench.
Get yourself comfortable either sitting or standing. Hold your cell phone in
one hand and wallet in the other. Focus on the components of the materials
around you to begin to imagine the minute energy they emit or reflect. The
phone in your hand contains a plethora of rare metals, pulsing electrical
circuitry and transmits/receives radio waves. Your wallet likely contains
plastic magstripe cards with magnetic iron, again effecting the magnetic field
around you. Each iron-vehicle that passes is changing the gravity field,
magnetism, sound waves, and air current. The mineral calcite found in concrete
splits waves into two distinct paths (birefringence): think of how the city’s
concrete dampens and splits the Earths energy waves. Wifi, AM/FM radio, and
microwaves add to the natural electromagnetic energy. Electrical wiring
produces a magnetic field as the current of electrons pass through.
These energy sources are
inescapable. Do not cast them aside, instead find ways to work with them and
acknowledge the enhancements brought to your life.
* archived at
**no claim of expertise in crystal
Science. Spirit. Practice.