Earth for President, 2020 and beyond.
I don’t buy this right-leaning, left-leaning world-view we have created. Gravity, due to the mass of this planet, constantly pulls us toward the Earth. Our ideologies—ALL of them—are wrong[1], or at least not completely correct, and have been messing things up for a couple hundred years, but the Earth Systems have been running the place for billions. My confidence is with her record:
Earth for President, 2020 and beyond.
**this non-ad was paid for by the billions of phanerozoic age blue-collar plankton and plants working hard millions of years ago who absorbed the suns energy [fossil fuel burning brings me, in the US, 67%[2] of my electricity].
[1] In the book “21 Lessons for the 21st century”, Yuval Noah Harari make the very good point that a historical look at any ideology ever held eventually dissolves under the inability to evolve out of its flaws after learning of them. Was an amazing book and I highly recommend the work. Here is a review:…/21-lessons-for-the-21st-centu……/21-lessons-for-the-21st-centu…
[2] EIA, Annual Energy Review 2011
Photo Credit: By NASA/Apollo 17 crew; taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans - (image link); see also, Public Domain,
Science. Spirit. Practice.